The Vegan Facial Dry Brush
Gesichtsbürste mit veganen Naturborsten für strahlende Haut
Kostenloser Versand ab 60€
30.000+ zufriedene Kund*innen
Super soft, vegan bristles without any plastic? Yes, please! The ultra-gentle bristles of our new Vegan Facial Dry Brush are 100% plant-based and come from cellulose (wood) - a unique innovation in the field of vegan bristles! The stylish wooden brush with 100% vegan natural bristles is the perfect tool for your daily face brushing ritual. Just a few minutes of massage per day with our Vegan Facial Dry Brush are enough to make your complexion glow again and promote the health of your skin.
Dry brushing is an ancient Ayurveda healing method for more energy, health and radiant skin. Face brushing works in the same way as body dry brushing.
Regular facial dry brushing
- stimulates blood circulation and lymph flow,
- effectively removes dead skin cells so that the skin underneath can breathe again,
- stimulates the production of new skin cells and leaves your skin fresh and radiant (bye-bye, grey veil!),
- refines your complexion and reduces small lines and wrinkles,
- reduces swelling,
- helps your skin to detoxify itself naturally,
- increases your skin’s absorption of skincare products, and
- leaves your skin radiant and glowing.
Immediately after face brushing, your skin is rosy, fresh and feels plumper; after several weeks, the appearance of small wrinkles is reduced and the complexion is refined.
The ruhi Vegan Facial Dry Brush exfoliates ultra gently and effectively. Its bristle thickness is soft and therefore ideal for very sensitive facial skin.
Due to its special shape, it lies perfectly in your hand and effortlessly reaches all contours of your face.
Our face brush is made of 100% vegan natural bristles based of cellulose (wood) and oiled, regional beech wood from responsibly managed forests, and does not have any plastic inserts. It is sustainably and traditionally crafted in Germany.
The higher price of our Vegan Facial Dry Brush results from the high costs of our innovative, plant-based cellulose bristles. Due to the complex production, the costs for those vegan bristles are many times higher than for bristles of animal origin or for vegan bristles made of nylon / plastic.
Regionales, FSC-zertifiziertes und geöltes Buchenholz
Maße: Ø 43 mm – Länge 76 mm
100% natürliche vegane Borsten auf Zellulosebasis (Holz)
Borstenstärke: weich
Nachhaltig gefertigt in Deutschland
Es kann sein, dass die Bürste während der ersten Anwendungen einzelne Borsten verliert. Das ist ganz normal und hört nach kurzer Zeit von selbst wieder auf.
WICHTIG: die Bürste ist nicht zur Anwendung mit Wasser geeignet. Hierdurch können die veganen Borsten beschädigt werden.
Karton aus recyceltem FSC-Papier bedruckt mit umweltfreundlichen Farben
Frei von Plastik
Unsere Bürsten sind stets plastikfrei verpackt. Wir fertigen unsere Verpackungen aus recyceltem, FSC-zertifiziertem Karton an, der mit umweltfreundlichen Farben bedruckt ist.
Unsere Bürsten werden nachhaltig in Deutschland von einer FSC-zertifizierten Familien-Manufaktur gefertigt, die eine umweltgerechte, sozialverträgliche und ökonomisch tragfähige Nutzung der Wälder umsetzt.
Unser Hersteller ist zudem EMAS-zertifiziert, auch bekannt als bekannt als EU-Öko-Audit. EMAS stellt sicher, dass alle Umweltaspekte von Energieverbrauch bis zu Abfall und Emissionen rechtssicher und transparent realisiert werden.
Dry brushing, also called gharsana, is an important part of the millennia-old Ayurveda healing teachings of India. The aim of dry brushing in Ayurveda is to move the lymph fluid towards the heart. This is intended to guide stored toxins and metabolic waste into the liver and kidneys and, ultimately, to drain them away.
Face brushing is based on the same methods as classic dry brushing. The lymph flow and blood circulation in the face are stimulated by the brush massage, old dead skin cells are removed and toxins are expelled. The skin is optimally supplied with oxygen again, and the production of new, healthy skin cells is stimulated. The grey veil disappears, and fresh, healthy and radiant skin appears.
Preparation: Always use the brush on dry skin. Without pressure, brush with light strokes and repeat the following steps 3-5 times on each side of your face.
Eyes: Brush gently around your eyes and over your eyebrows in circular movements.
Cheeks and jawline: Start at your chin and brush towards your hairline. Move up to your mouth and nose and stroke out towards your ears.
Forehead: Place the brush in the middle of your forehead and brush horizontally out towards your temples. Work with short upward strokes between your brows.
Neck: Start at the base of your neck and brush up towards your chin. Done! Apply your favourite skincare product and enjoy your silky-smooth and glowing skin.
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